Masterplants Orchestra

Lead by Tritone Crisantemo, Masterplants Orchestra is the Unified effort of all the Human and Plant Musicians within the Masterplants Network.
With our own specially designed Plant Music devices, we turn electric signals produced by up to 8 plants into musical notes, creating a one-of-a-kind orchestral plant music experience.

Based on the idea that sounds and impulses from nature are inherently harmonic, we have designed Masterplants into an organic and spherical Plant Music experience that often induces states of wonder and relaxation.

When we built the Symphony device it marked the point in plant music evolution where plants became able to play symphonic music.
Much like in nature, nothing stands alone, everything interacts, “Plays together“ in the symphony of existence.

We have played more than 50 plant music concerts all over the globe and are available for concerts worldwide.

Symphonic Plant Music

The Magic

“The magic of Masterplants Orchestra comes from the change in our states of consciousness when we experience plant music.

By applying principles of nature to music, we are able to positively and harmonically alter our perception.

This way Plant controlled music becomes a powerful tool that extends the artist beyond what is humanly possible merging the artists expression with natures own frequencies.

A music that challenges our culturally induced perceptions and gently guides us to the edge of natural harmony, where we belong.”

Masterplants Orchestra
Live in the Open Temple

In this video Tritone and the Plants put on a show in his home Damanhur, Spiritual community in northern Italy.

Joined by Sacred Dancer Quaglia, Poetess Madoqua and Masterplants Founder Zigola Pioppo.
Masterplants Orchestra delivers an astounding interspecies concert experience.

Masterplants Albums


This plant music track “Atlantis“, was recorded live on our Tour in Spain in 2018. The name Atlantis was not inspired by plants but rather the dramatic emotion we all shared while working together with the plants on this epic piece.

Featuring: Chiyo Kaiga on vocal, Benjamin Hedengran on flutes and shakers & Kenneth Lorentzen on live sound design.

Live at the Open Temple

After a 3 year Journey Outside of Damanhur, Masterplants Orchestra finally return home to reveal their music to their True Tribe and birthplace, The People of Damanhur.

Featuring: Zigola Pioppo’s Vocals & Madoqua’s poetry

Songs from the Sacred Woods

Songs from the Sacred Woods was inspired by a Damanhurian myth about the Sacred forest Temple “Etulte“.
Click here for more information.

Six songs that speak about a sacred alliance between humans and trees, and the magic wonders that we can discover, by listening to the woods. This is not a plant music album.

Concieved by Zigola Pioppo, Recorded and mixed by Tritone Crisantemo. Featuring: Emil Savery & Benjamin Hedengran.

Interspecies Music

“Interspecies Music is the result of Masterplants first experiments with plant music.
Made with the old school but legendary U1 device from Damanhur.
This album is a beautiful exploratory mess of professional Danish musicians a diverse wealth of plants and home recordings.

This album is for the truly nerdy who wants to discover the humble beginnings of Masterplants.

Featuring: Emil Savery & Benjamin Hedengran.

Contact us.

Plant music is an extremely versatile art form as it involves, plants and nature, technology, music and philosophical questions about humanity’s relationship with our ecosystem.

Would you like to organize or host a plant music event?
Contact us with your ideas!